
Registering ultimate beneficial owners of legal entities in Ukraine

 On April 28, 2020, the new Law of Ukraine on Financial Monitoring entered into force that stipulated, among others, unconditional obligations of all legal entities registered in Ukraine (subject to exceptions set forth below) to provide information on its UBO(s), during 3 months upon entering of the respective order into legal force.

In this respect, on June 11, 2021 the Order of the Ministry of Finance confirming the form of the ownership structure was published and will become effective from July 11, 2021.

It means that all legal entities («LE»)1 must submit information on its UBO(s) and the ownership structure to the state registrar to include it into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Associations («USR») either before October 11, 2021 or in a course of any registration action that may take place in respect of the LE after July 11 (whichever occurs earlier).


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